Ser-Col SCAUT assembly machine - Blok System Supply

Ser-Col SCAUT assembly machine

The Ser-Col SCAUT assembly machine is almost finished. At this moment the last tests are performed before installing the Ser-Col assembly machine at Labonovum in Limmen, The Netherlands.
Production speed: up to 60 Ser-Cols per minute!

SCAUT (Ser-Col AUTomation) impression

All the different SCAUT (Ser-Col AUTomation) processing steps:


  • “reading” and cutting the LF paper with serum
  • transferring the LF paper with serum to the bottom of the Ser-Col tube
  • adding the right amount of Ser-Col buffer to the LF paper
  • mixing the LF paper with the elution buffer
  • separating the Ser-Col buffer from the paper


will be combined in one SCAUT machine.

Test set-ups

The test setups have been build and testing is still going strong. The functionalities of the entire machine have been divided into 4 test setups.
This provides the ability to adjust and optimize a certain functionality without interrupting testing of the other functions.
This allows us to select the components that best meet the requirements and start designing the prototype with these parts that have proven themselves.

Assessment of SER-COL assembly machine

  • Defining roles of individuals within the team
  • Developing first timeline and planning
  • Analysing the assembly steps of current SER-COL design

Ser-Col concept development

  • Collaborating with external design agency to match Ser-Col with SCAUT
  • Prototyping preliminary design

Testing Area

  • Invested in dedicated testing area
  • Invested in required tooling

Testing set-up development

  • Dividing all sub-functions into different testing set-ups
  • Developing different testing set-ups in CAD
  • Determining the required standard parts per testing set-up
  • Determining operating system for testing set-ups
  • Determining software package for writing testing set-up programs

Ser-Col Ideation

  • Ideations of Ser-Col based on different extraction processes
  • Assisting in getting external design agency started
  • Assisting in iteration process of external design agency