Development of chosen extraction process

  • Further development of CAD models of each sub-function
  • 3D prototype development for further proof of concept per sub-function
  • Determining the final concept direction for each sub-function

Concept development of the most promising extraction processes

  • CAD development of the technically challenging aspects of the possible extraction processes
  • Prototype development for first proof of concept testing for the different possible extraction processes
  • Iterations based on results supplied by Labonovum
  • Determining final order and concept direction per sub-function

Ideation on improving and simplifying the extraction process

  • Determining the most promising extraction process options
  • Determining the different sub-functions for the possible extraction processes.
  • Determining the required changes on the Ser-Col per possible extraction process


  • Field research on existing solutions per possibly needed function
  • Field research on blood analyses in general
  • Research on technologies used in original Ser-Col solutions

Project preparation and starting investments

  • Developing first timeline and planning
  • Expanding the engineering team with 3 additional Full time engineers
  • Expanding the office space
  • Expanding the amount of software licences

Pre-Kick off meeting

Pre-kick off meeting between Labonovum – Blok System Supply and Alskar design to define the roadmap for the official start in January 2019.